Integrating With Gong

Integrating with Gong is easy, and should only take a few minutes! Below are the steps required to integrate with Gong. We will go into more detail for each step in the following section.

Step 1: Navigating to the Integrations Page

Once logged into Fabius. Locate the Settings Icon on the Sidebar, hover over it, and select 'Integrations' from the list.

Step 2: Selecting the Gong Integration

Once on the Integrations page, locate the Gong integration tile (it is the first tile on the page). Click the 'Configure' button on the tile. It will redirect you to Gong to authenticate in the next step.

Step 3: Authorizing Fabius within Gong

Once redirected to Gong, read the details of the integration and then click the "Allow" button. If you are unsure about the permissions we are requesting, feel free to contact us at

Step 4: Confirming the Integration

After authorizing Fabius, you will be redirected to our application. You should see a success alert that the Integration was created successfully, and see a "Disable" button on the Gong integration card. If you run into any issues please contact us at

Thanks it! You've now integrated Fabius with your Gong account.